[Subconscious Mind] Reticular Activating System (RAS): The Filter in Your Brain

Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming as complementary methods for reprogramming the subconscious mind.
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Reticular Activating System. That's a great term, isn't it? I mean, it sounds complex and scientific, so we're going to call it RAS.

But let's dive a little deeper into this incredible system. The RAS is a bundle of nerves at the base of your brainstem that acts as a filter for all the sensory input bombarding your brain every second. It's estimated that we're exposed to around 11 million bits of information at any given moment, but our conscious minds can only process about 50 bits. That's where the RAS comes in - it decides which information is important enough to bring to your attention, and filters out the rest as irrelevant background noise.

For example, have you ever decided to buy a new car, and suddenly you see that exact make and model everywhere you go? That's your RAS at work! Once you set your intention on that car, your RAS started scanning for it and bringing it to your attention. It was always there, but now your brain has deemed it important enough to notice.

But here's where the real magic happens - you can consciously choose what your RAS focuses on. By setting clear intentions, asking empowering questions, and visualizing your desired outcomes, you're essentially programming your RAS to scan for opportunities and experiences that match that internal representation.

Let's say you want to manifest more abundance in your life. If you constantly tell yourself "I'm so broke, I'll never have enough money," your RAS will diligently find evidence to support that belief. It will highlight every bill, every lack, and filter out any signs of abundance. But if you flip the script and affirm "I am a magnet for wealth and prosperity," your RAS will start scanning for ways to make that statement true. You'll start noticing unexpected checks in the mail, profitable opportunities, and abundant resources all around you.

This is where subliminals come in as a powerful tool for reprogramming your RAS. By listening to subliminal audio, you're feeding your subconscious mind with empowering beliefs, images, and emotions. Over time, this trains your RAS to seek out experiences that align with those new beliefs. It's like installing a new operating system in your manifestation supercomputer!

But here's the catch - you can't just sit back and expect your RAS to do all the work. You need to meet it halfway by taking inspired action and staying open to opportunities. When you get a gut feeling to strike up a conversation with a stranger or take a different route to work, trust that it's your RAS guiding you towards your manifestation. The more you act on these intuitive nudges, the stronger your RAS will become at attracting your desires.

It's also crucial to be mindful of the questions you ask yourself. Your RAS is like a search engine - it will literally look for answers to whatever you input. So if you constantly ask disempowering questions like "Why am I so unlucky?" or "Why can't I do anything right?", your RAS will dutifully find reasons to validate those limiting beliefs.

Instead, ask empowering questions like "What can I learn from this challenge?" or "How can I make this day even better?". This small shift in your self-talk can have a profound impact on what your RAS focuses on and attracts into your life.

Another powerful way to harness your RAS is through visualization. By vividly imagining your goals and dreams as if they've already happened, you're giving your RAS a clear target to aim for. The more detail and emotion you pour into your visualizations, the more powerfully your RAS will work to manifest them in reality.

Take some time each day to close your eyes and imagine your ideal life in vivid detail. What does it look like? How does it feel in your body? Who are you with? Really step into the scene and engage all your senses. The more real it feels in your mind, the more real it will become in your life.

Remember, your RAS is always eavesdropping on your self-talk and internal representations. It's constantly scanning for anything that matches your dominant thoughts and beliefs. So the more you focus on what you want, ask empowering questions, and visualize your desired outcomes, the more your RAS will bring them into your reality.

It's like having a genie in your mind, constantly working to grant your wishes. But remember, this genie isn't a magical fix-all - it's a powerful ally that requires your active participation. You have to be crystal clear on what you want, and when opportunities arise, you need to trust your intuition and take bold, inspired action. Your RAS can open doors, but it's up to you to step through them.

Right now, I invite you to take a moment to set a clear intention for what you want to manifest. It could be a specific goal, a desired feeling, or a general state of being. Then, ask your RAS to start scanning for opportunities and experiences that match that intention. Throughout the day, stay open to any intuitive nudges or synchronicities that arise. Trust that your RAS is guiding you towards your highest good, and take inspired action when the time feels right.

And whenever you find yourself slipping into negative self-talk or limiting beliefs, gently redirect your focus to what you want to create. Affirm your desires, visualize your ideal outcomes, and trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor.

With consistent practice and alignment, you'll be amazed at how quickly your RAS starts bringing your manifestations into physical reality. You'll start noticing more abundance, more joy, more love, and more synchronicity in your everyday life. And best of all, you'll feel a profound sense of empowerment, knowing that you have the ability to shape your reality with the power of your mind.

As you continue working with subliminals and consciously directing your RAS, pay attention to the synchronicities and opportunities that start showing up in your life. Keep a manifestation journal and record any progress, no matter how small. Celebrate every win and use it as evidence to strengthen your belief in the power of your RAS.

So keep harnessing your RAS, keep working with subliminals, and keep believing in the magic of manifestation. Your wildest dreams are waiting for you to claim them - all you have to do is align your focus, take inspired action, and trust in the journey.

I can't wait to hear about all the incredible ways your RAS starts showing up for you. Keep shining your light, keep spreading your magic, and remember - the universe always has your back.

Happy manifesting, my friends!
:iam: :mind2: :mind4:
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