We often get asked for evidence of subliminal messaging, from people who have yet to experience the power of subliminal messaging for themselves.
There are plenty of well-documented studies proving that subliminal audios can produce measurable and lasting effects, from breaking bad habits to improving performance. In fact, subliminals can be used to improve every area of your life – from deep internal changes to improvements in your physical body. For example, you can increase your motivation, boost your self-esteem, treat illnesses and phobias… the possibilities are truly endless!
For a long time, research on silent subliminal technology was prohibited because of a US military patent. Here are only some studies which have been conducted on subliminal messaging over the last 30+ years:
In another study conducted by Dr. Becker experimental and control groups were asked to guess a three-digit number. The experimental group was exposed to the number subliminally embedded in behind a pink noise (similar to white noise) based audio track.
In three different trials an average of 77% of people exposed to the subliminal numbers guessed correctly, in comparison to only 10% of people in the control groups who weren’t exposed subliminally to the numbers. This again confirms that subliminal messages are perceived at a non-conscious level.
A follow up study by Palmatier and Bornstein found that “subliminal messaging noticeably improved the progress of subjects attempting to quit smoking”, when compared to the group not exposed to subliminal messages.
Psychologists claimed the messages such as “Mommy and I are one” would boost the students self esteem and have an effect to help them learn. Also interestingly when the messages were revealed so the students were aware of what they were receiving the effect failed, giving support to the effectiveness of sending a subliminal message rather than an overt one. (That’s why we only give you sample affirmations and not the whole script)
The secret to our subliminals is a carefully crafted affirmation script, combined with advanced audio processing technology:
Affirmations repeat at accelerated speed
Play below the level of conscious hearing
Spoken into each ear separately
Additional ultrasonic frequency layer
Relaxed state for maximum receptivity
Thank you so much Andy for making such high quality content, ever since release as here Andy provided Raw files too, so I bundled it with many of Andy’s file such as Alpha male and other male specific files, and listening though it’s only 2 months now I see changes in attitude earlier behaviour of others I taken for granted now very specific I not allows particular behaviour and also neediness reduced now very self assured as this subliminals transforms us entirely requires some times so I advise all to stick with files for longer periods like 8-12 months needs to achieve results that this wonderful subliminal produces. So it’s time investing process for wonderful reality, I thank you Andy for making available all such wonderful works deeply grateful
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Browse our vast library of premium subliminal MP3s created by SuccessSubliminals.com to penetrate your subconscious mind and bring you desired changes. We have something for everybody – no matter what your goals are or what issues you want to overcome, we have a subliminal that will help you!
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