Subliminals Explained: What Are Subliminals? How Do They Work?
Unlock The Hidden Power Of Your Mind To Reach Your Goals!
Your mind is a very powerful thing, and it’s your thoughts that control how you act and how you go through life. Everything that you do and wherever you are in your life at present is a result of your habitual ways of thinking and behaving. Whatever you do in the next 10 years will be the result of what you do NOW!
You have the power to make an incredible difference in your life. The great American psychologist William James said: “human beings by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives”. If you can change your thoughts, then you can change yourself on a core level and drastically improve the quality of life.
Your brain is comprised of a hundred trillion neurological connections. That’s more connections than there are galaxies in the universe! Einstein estimated that we only use a small proportion of our brains, about 10%. Subliminals contain the access codes for the other 90%.
What Are Subliminal Messages?
“Subliminal” means below the threshold of conscious perception. Put simply, subliminal audio refers to sounds played at a level you are unable to hear consciously – but that your subconscious mind can perceive.
Subliminal (audio) messages are affirmations that bypass your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. These hidden positive affirmations are embedded in the music, just below your hearing level. Because your conscious mind is not aware of the subliminal suggestions underlying the music, it can’t put up barriers against it. That’s why subliminal affirmations avoid any resistance, which would usually hold you back.
Your conscious mind will hear only music… but there is much more happening behind the scenes! With repeated listening, your subconscious mind begins to accept the suggestions as true. Day by day, it’ll become easier for you to reach your goals because you now have tapped into the power source – your subconscious mind.
How Do Subliminal Messages Work?
To really understand and begin to use the power of subliminal messages, you need to know just a little about your mind. In particular, what’s meant by the conscious and the subconscious mind. You see, there are only two primary ways you make sense of the world – consciously and subconsciously.
The human mind can be compared to an iceberg with the visible tip of the ice being your conscious mind. And the invisible mass or larger part underwater being your subconscious mind. In fact, over 90% of what you think, feel, and do is controlled by your subconscious mind. A real change begins underneath the surface.
The Surface Mind - Your Conscious Mind
Your conscious mind, as the name implies, works when you are conscious and awake. It is the mind that you actively and deliberately think with all day long. You probably experience it as a somewhat continual internal voice that you think of as “me”.
But while the conscious mind certainly has its uses, it’s extremely limited in what it can accomplish on its own. Studies have shown that it can only hold a handful of ideas at any one time. That’s why the majority of your life is run automatically by your other mind – the subconscious.
The Deeper Mind - Your Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind is your larger mind. It is always active and can process millions of messages of sensory information every single second. The unconscious contains all of your wisdom, memories, and intelligence. It’s the seat of your creativity, thoughts, emotions. It regulates your body maintenance and autonomic processes like breathing, blood supply, or tissue regeneration. The conscious mind cannot heal a cut or accelerate your heartbeat. The subconscious mind does!
Most importantly, the subconscious mind stores and runs all your “programs” of automatic behavior that you use to live your life. The subconscious mind is like having an “autopilot” function in the brain, which allows you to do multiple things simultaneously without having to concentrate on all of them at once. These programs (“habits”) are useful because they free your conscious minds up to think about other things.
For example, learning to drive a car involves learning lots of little habits such as indicating, accelerating, braking, turning. After you have practiced them consciously several times, they become habitual so that now you can just get in the car and decide where you want to go.
How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Success
The interaction between conscious and subconscious is going on all the time. But why is it that some people naturally focus on what’s positive, what helps them achieve and succeed? The answer is programming.
Your mind has been programmed by your parents, teachers, relatives, peers, the media, and by the way you talk to yourself. Everything that’s ever happened to you and everything that you ever imagined is stored as a multi-sensory recording in your subconscious mind. You received positive, supportive programming from those around you and some negative, limiting programs as well.
If you want to transform and upgrade your life, then you need to upgrade your old, limiting programs. Until your subconscious mind is programmed for success, nothing you learn, know or do will make any difference in the long run. You can’t overcome your subconscious programming with logical arguments or even hard work.
Subliminal audios offer new, positive software for your mind. It’s a very effective way to change your negative program and upgrade your mind software. Which will, in turn, enhance your performance in the world and your quality of life. Just as a gardener plants the seeds and patiently waits for them to grow, subliminal affirmations plant positive ideas in your mind.
Do Subliminal Messages Really Work?
We often get asked for evidence of subliminals, from people who have yet to experience the power of subliminal affirmations for themselves. So, here is a page with some studies conducted on subliminal messaging over the last 30 years.
There are plenty of well-documented studies proving that subliminal tapes can produce measurable and lasting effects, from breaking bad habits to improving performance. In fact, subliminal affirmations can be used to improve every area of your life – from profound internal changes to improvements in your physical body. For example, you can increase your motivation, boost your self-esteem, treat illnesses, and phobias… the possibilities are truly endless!
The Unique SuccessSubliminals Formula
The secret to our subliminals is a carefully crafted affirmation script, combined with advanced audio processing technology:
Affirmations repeat at accelerated speed
Whisper Subliminal
Play below the level of conscious hearing
3D Stereo Confusion
Spoken into each ear separately
Silent Subliminal
Additional ultrasonic frequency layer
Meditative Music
Relaxed state for maximum receptivity
What Users Say
Worthy for ultimate potential Life
Thank you so much Andy for making such high quality content, ever since release as here Andy provided Raw files too, so I bundled it with many of Andy’s file such as Alpha male and other male specific files, and listening though it’s only 2 months now I see changes in attitude earlier behaviour of others I taken for granted now very specific I not allows particular behaviour and also neediness reduced now very self assured as this subliminals transforms us entirely requires some times so I advise all to stick with files for longer periods like 8-12 months needs to achieve results that this wonderful subliminal produces. So it’s time investing process for wonderful reality, I thank you Andy for making available all such wonderful works deeply grateful
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Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Success
Browse our vast library of premium subliminal MP3s created by to penetrate your subconscious mind and bring you desired changes. We have something for everybody – no matter what your goals are or what issues you want to overcome, we have a subliminal that will help you!